Author: Mark D. Anderson ( Date: 2006-11-15 License: MIT This directory contains changes necessary for two independent Flyspray and a Dokuwiki instances on the same domain to have single sign on, using the Flyspray database. IMPORTANT NOTES and LIMITATIONS: This is only known to work with Flyspray 0.9.9-devel and Dokuwiki snapshot 2006-11-06. It will certainly not work with Flyspray 0.9.8, and probably not with Flyspray 1.0. This has nothing to do with the use of Dokuwiki as a wiki system for editing Flyspray task descriptions. The Flyspray install may or may not have a Dokuwiki plugin for editing of task descriptions, but that is unrelated. This does not provide any patches for "interwiki" links between tasks and wiki pages. It provides no integration between task projects and wiki namespaces. This only provides a solution for Flyspray using mysql. A postgres version would be very similar, but is not provided. DOKUWIKI CHANGES: DW has pluggable authentication while FS does not (currently), so we are changing DW to rely on FS for authentication. The first step is just a a common authentication database. This does *not* achieve SSO (single sign-on); it just means that the same users can login separately in the two apps. To achieve that much, copy the file flyspray_mysql.conf.php from this directory into dokuwiki/conf/ and edit dokuwiki/conf/local.php to have: $conf['passcrypt'] = same as 'passwdcrypt' in flyspray.conf.php ('md5' or 'crypt') $conf['authtype'] = 'mysql'; $conf['auth']['mysql']['server'] = FS database conf 'dbhost' $conf['auth']['mysql']['user'] = FS database conf 'dbuser' $conf['auth']['mysql']['password'] = FS database conf 'dbpass' $conf['auth']['mysql']['database'] = FS database conf 'dbname' You also need to add this at the end of your local.php (or in local.protected.php if you are using the Configuration Manager plugin): require_once(DOKU_CONF.'flyspray_mysql.conf.php'); At this point, if things are working, your DW will be using the FS database for login. To also get SSO, copy the file flyspray_mysql.class.php from this directory into dokuwiki/inc/auth/ and then edit dokuwiki/conf/local.php to instead have: $conf['authtype'] = 'flyspray_mysql'; (Note that with SSO, the $conf['passcrypt'] value in DW is now irrelevant. You can also remove the $conf['auth'] stuff from local.php because flyspray_mysql.conf.php does it automatically.) This step will cause DW to use the flyspray_mysql.class.php which is a subclass of the provided mysql.class.php. You may need to edit the value of FS_ROOT in flyspray_mysql.class.php to match your install. FLYSPRAY CHANGES: First of all, it is necessary to have the flyspray-auth-patch.txt file applied to your 0.9.9-devel (unless you are using a version where it is already applied). This patch accomplishes: allow DW to load necessary FS files without hitting conflicts from any DW plugin make it so FS won't always set error_reporting(E_ALL) (which DW doesn't like) fix a bug in Flyspray::setcookie (passing 0 instead of NULL to mean browser lifetime) add support for $conf['general']['cookiepath'] so FS cookies are visible in whole path In addition to that patch you need to edit flyspray/flyspray.conf.php to have: [general] cookiepath = "/" GROUPS and ACLS: DW and FS have complete different sets of permission names. Also, DW organizes its ACLs by a hierarchy of namespaces, while FS has a two-level hierarchy of individual project, and global. However, this integration can arrange for them to use the same sets of group names. The management of what permissions are given to each of those groups will still have to be managed in each admin app, but at least group/user membership will be shared. To accomplish this, in dokuwiki/conf/local.php: $conf['useacl'] = 1; $conf['defaultgroup'] = a FS group name for new users, such as 'Developers' $conf['superuser'] = either: a FS user with all rights, or '@' + the FS admin group name (e.g. '@Admin') The DW Access Control List Management plugin (unlike the User Manager plugin) does not use the pluggable authentication system; you have to manually enter explicit group names. You can do that with the ACL plugin page, or by editing dokuwiki/conf/acl.auth.php directly. Don't touch "ALL" as that is special. BACKGROUND NOTES: see: [incorrect information] flyspray: maintains cookies: flyspray_userid flyspray_passhash flyspray_project authentication: scripts/authenticate.php sets cookies upon success. verification on each request: index.php verifies using $user->check_account_ok() in includes/class.user.php logout: $user->logout() clears cookies groups: when $user is created it fetches groups and permissions from those groups has permissions at project and/or global level dokuwiki: maintains cookies: DOKU_COOKIE, which is defined to be 'DW'.md5(DOKU_URL) in inc/init.php authentication: inc/auth.php loads plugin such as inc/auth/mysql.class.php mantis suggests writing a whole separate inc/auth/mantis.class.php with trustExternal. but still need to integrate management of groups and users... verification on each request: in inc/auth.php, if $auth->trustExternal, then that does everything. otherwise auth_login() does a login if param 'u' is set, otherwise verifies cookie if login is successful, it sets cookie and session variables. logout: auth_logoff groups: acls are a bit mask of AUTH_READ=1,AUTH_EDIT=2, etc. has permissions at the page, namespace, or global level has a special group '@ALL' has a superuser group