burst.props.AbstractProperties | Abstract base class for anything that can hold named values |
burst.runtime.AbstractRuntime | Abstract base class definining the minimum that an environment must provide |
burst.io.AbstractURIRequest | Abstract base class for fetching text content or an (XML) Document object given a URI |
burst.webui.widgets.AbstractWidget | Abstract base class for widgets |
burst.Alg | Scoping class to hold static collection utility functions |
burst.logging.Appender | Base class for a logging destination |
burst.logging.AppenderBuffer | Subclass of Appender which is implemented as a a circular Array buffer of specified size, to hold log messages |
burst.logging.AppenderIframe | Subclass of Appender which sends output to an iframe within the current browser window |
burst.AssertFailure | Subclass of BurstError that is thrown by bu_assertTrue and other assertion functions |
burst.BurstError | Subclass of native Error which is used for exceptions thrown by the library |
burst.Comparator | Class representing a comparator function for a particular object type and behavior |
burst.Config | Singleton class for the global variable bu_Config, which holds configuration |
burst.webui.widgets.ControlWidget | Abstract subclass of AbstractWidget for widgets that participate as form controls |
burst.runtime.DomRuntime | Singleton subclass of AbstractRuntime for a browser environment (or wherever there is a DOM) |
burst.xml.DomUtil | Scoping class to hold static generic DOM-related utility functions; see also burst.xml.XmlDoc |
burst.web.DragDrop | Scoping class to hold static functions related to drag and drop |
burst.Functional | Scoping class to hold static functions for functional programming |
burst.props.GroupProperties | Subclass of AbstractProperties that wraps a provided Array of other AbstractProperties instances |
burst.xml.HtmlBox | Scoping class holding static functions for manipulating html element size and position |
burst.xml.HtmlUtil | Scoping class holding static HTML DOM-related utility functions |
burst.web.IEEvent | Class to synthesize a compliant W3 Event object from IE's window.event |
burst.io.IframeURIRequest | Subclass of AbstractURIRequest based on a hidden iframe |
burst.runtime.KJSRuntime | Singleton subclass of AbstractRuntime for KJS |
burst.Lang | Scoping class containing static functions which provide basic functionality that is not part of the ECMAScript standard, but might have been |
burst.logging.Log | Class to manage debug, warning, and other logging calls |
burst.logging.LogLevel | Class whose only purpose is to be used to create the fixed constants such as burst.logging.Log.DEBUG |
burst.props.MapProperties | Subclass of AbstractProperties that wraps a provided Object acting as an associative array |
burst.MOP | Scoping class to hold various pieces of a MetaObject Protocol for ECMAScript |
burst.props.NodeAttributesProperties | Subclass of AbstractProperties that wraps a DOM Node's attributes |
burst.reflect.PropertyDef | Abstract base class for property metadata |
burst.reflect.PropertyDefBoolean | Subclass of PropertyDef whose String values are 'true' or 'false', and values are true or false |
burst.reflect.PropertyDefExpr | Subclass of PropertyDef whose strings are expressions that are eval'd to produce an Object |
burst.reflect.PropertyDefImageUrl | Subclass of PropertyDef whose values are URL strings for images |
burst.reflect.PropertyDefNumber | Subclass of PropertyDef whose String values are integers |
burst.reflect.PropertyDefString | Subclass of PropertyDef that imposes no more constraints than in the base class |
burst.props.PropertyError | Subclass of burst.BurstError which is thrown when invalid configuration is found |
burst.props.QueryStringProperties | Subclass of AbstractProperties that parses a URL-style query string |
burst.runtime.RhinoRuntime | Singleton subclass of AbstractRuntime for Rhino |
burst.Script | Class to represent each loaded module, managed by ScriptLoader |
burst.ScriptLoader | Class to manage dependencies and loading of script files |
burst.webui.widgets.SortHead | Subclass of AbstractWidget to hold per-column sorting configuration |
burst.webui.widgets.SortTable | Subclass of AbstractWidget providing sort behavior for an HTML table |
burst.runtime.SpiderMonkeyRuntime | Singleton subclass of AbstractRuntime for SpiderMonkey |
burst.props.StyleProperties | Subclass of AbstractProperties that parses a string that mimics the syntax of a style attribute or CSS declaration body |
burst.props.SubProperties | Subclass of AbstractProperties that holds a subtree of another AbstractProperties instance starting with a specified prefix |
burst.Text | Scoping class to hold static utilities for String |
burst.web.TextSelection | Scoping class to hold static functions related to text selection |
burst.Time | Scoping class for static date and time utilities |
burst.URI | Scoping class for static URI-related utilities; can also be instantiated, if you prefer an OO-model |
burst.web.UserAgent | Singleton class to provide identifying information about the current browser, and any bugs and features it may have |
burst.webui.WidgetManager | The (typically singleton) class whose instance manages all widget instances |
burst.web.WindowEvent | Scoping class to hold static functions related to window events |
burst.runtime.WshRuntime | Singleton subclass of AbstractRuntime for WSH |
burst.xml.XmlDoc | Scoping class to hold static functions related to objects compliant with the XML (non-HTML) DOM |
burst.io.XmlHttpURIRequest | Subclass of AbstractURIRequest using XMLHTTP object support |
burst.xml.XPath | Class representing a complied XPath expression |