| Defines burst.Alg which contains static utility functions for collections | | Defines burst.AssertFailure, a subclass of burst.BurstError used for bu_assertTrue and similar | | Utility file - this is the first library file to be loaded: Tries to ensure we aren't in a totally broken environment | | Defines class burst.BurstError, which is the base Error class for exceptions thrown from the library | | Defines burst.Comparator, and some predefined instances for different object types | | Defines the class burst.Config and global bu_Config | | Utility file - attempts to bring builtin objects such as Array and Function into compliance with ECMAScript edition 3 (JavaScript 1.5) | | Defines burst.Functional which contains static utility functions for functional programming | | Defines burst.Lang which contains static utility functions, and defines the global function bu_eval | | Defines burst.MOP which contains static utility functions related to a MetaObject Protocol | | Defines burst.ScriptLoader which loads scripts and manages dependencies | | Defines burst.Text which contains static string utilities | | Defines burst.Time which contains static utility functions for the date and time | | Defines burst.URI, which has static utility functions as well as being instantiable |
io/ | Defines |
io/ | Defines |
io/ | Defines , an implementation of using XMLHTTP object |
logging/ | Defines burst.logging.Appender |
logging/ | Defines burst.logging.AppenderBuffer, an instance of burst.logging.Appender |
logging/ | Defines burst.logging.AppenderIframe, an instance of burst.logging.Appender |
logging/ | Logging system, defining class burst.logging.Log and global functions bu_debug etc |
logging/ | Executed after all other files in burst.logging.* are loaded |
props/ | Defines burst.props.AbstractProperties and various subclasses |
props/ | Defines class burst.props.PropertyError used by burst.props.* and burst.reflect.* |
reflect/ | Defines burst.reflect.PropertyDef and some subclasses |
runtime/ | Abstract class burst.runtime.AbstractRuntime, an abstraction layer for the ECMAScript runtime |
runtime/ | Defines burst.runtime.DomRuntime, a subclass of burst.runtime.AbstractRuntime for a browser environment |
runtime/ | Defines burst.runtime.KJSRuntime, a subclass of burst.runtime.AbstractRuntime for the KJS shell |
runtime/ | Defines burst.runtime.RhinoRuntime, a subclass of burst.runtime.AbstractRuntime for Rhino (shell) environment |
runtime/ | Executed after all possible AbstractRuntime classes are defined, to select among them and define bu_Runtime |
runtime/ | Defines burst.runtime.SpiderMonkeyRuntime, a subclass of burst.runtime.AbstractRuntime for a SpiderMonkey-based environment (typically non-browser shell) |
runtime/ | Defines burst.runtime.WshRuntime, a subclass of burst.runtime.AbstractRuntime for Microsoft WSH |
web/ | Defines burst.web.DragDrop which holds static functions related to drag and drop |
web/ | Defines burst.web.TextSelection which holds static functions related to text selection |
web/ | Singleton class burst.web.UserAgent to identify the browser, and its global instance bu_UA |
web/ | Defines burst.web.WindowEvent which holds static functions related to window events, and burst.web.IEEvent |
webui/ | Defines burst.webui.WiddgetManager , a (typically singleton) class to manage widget instances |
webui/widgets/ | Defines burst.webui.widgets.AbstractWidget |
webui/widgets/ | Defines burst.webui.widgets.SortTable, a widget which makes an HTML table sortable by clicking on its column heads |
xml/ | Defines burst.xml.DomUtil which contains static generic DOM-related utility functions |
xml/ | Utility file - attempts to bring up the builtin DOM objects to DOM compliance |
xml/ | Defines burst.xml.HtmlBox which contains static functions for manipulating html size and position |
xml/ | Defines burst.xml.HtmlUtil which contains static HTML DOM-related utility functions; see also burst.xml.HtmlBox |
xml/ | Defines burst.xml.XmlDoc which contains static utility functions for XML DOM objects |
xml/ | A simplified XPath implementation, including class burst.xml.XPath |